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PBB Smoothie

What better way to start off your day than a healthy and delicious smoothie! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and now you have no excuse to skip it. This recipe take 2 minutes and is MUCH better than any muffin or bagel you run out the door with. Protein, fiber and greens all in one. That's a Phillipe promise.....

The Goods:

2 tbl of peanut butter

1 scoop of plant based protein (Any flavor and I use Amazing Meal)

1 scoop of raw cocoa

1 banana

1 cup of hemp milk or almond milk

1 scoop of wheat grass

dash of cinnamon

Place all ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth. Add more water or milk if you wish. Enjoy!

This is a great way to boost your metabolism, increase energy, improve mood and get your vitamins and minerals as well.

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